
Leaked images from the Pentagon’s secret task force show UFOs hovering over the Atlantic

The US military is secretly trying to discover its own extraterrestrial mystery.

A secret Pentagon task force has been studying the image of a genuine UFO sighted for two years and is considering the possibility that it may be of “non-human” origin.

A photo released by The Debrief last week shows the metallic object hovering 35,000 over the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast of the United States. There is usually a very simple explanation for this type of thing, but this time, the military is baffled. So perplexed, in fact, that the photo was included in two reports from the Defense Department’s Air Phenomena Task Force, which informs senior government officials and members of the intelligence community about unidentifiable objects.

The object was photographed in 2018 by a weapons operator in the back seat flying on a U.S. jet fighter, with the task force officially designating it as an “unidentified aerial phenomenon” in the first of its reports published that same year.

In response to the photo, Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough told The Debrief : “To keep operations safe and to avoid disclosing information that could be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not argue publicly details of reports, observations or examinations of forays reported in our designated training tracks or airspace, including forays initially designated as UAP. “

The Debrief posted on their Twitter account: “@Debriefmedia learned of the leak of an unclassified photo, allegedly widely distributed in the Intelligence Community, which supposedly shows what DoD characterized as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”. “

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