
Touristic city of Pirenopolis faces problems in reopening due to huge amount of tourists

The problem faced by the beautiful baroque city of Pirenópolis located in the state of Goiás, in the Brazilian Midwest, is the large number of tourists who have gone to the place and do not obey the rules of social distance and also the fact that the inns are accepting more guests than allowed which is 65% of the total occupancy.

The municipality’s health secretary, Luciana Rodrigues, warned “Do not come to the city without accommodation reservations, the city is not hosting so many people”.

Local authorities are imposing fines on people who flock and do not wear masks. The fine is R $ 1000 per Social Security.

Establishments authorized to operate

The Pirenópolis city hall makes available on its website a list of establishments that are regularized and authorized by the local administration to receive tourists. Secretary Luciana Rodrigues suggests that visitors check this information before heading to the city, thus preventing people from crowding the streets for not getting a reservation.

Touristic city of Pirenopolis faces problems in reopening due to huge amount of tourists